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Eye Hygiene in Edmondson Park: 6 Basic Practices To Follow

Our eyes are delicate organs, but they often go unnoticed and neglected regarding hygiene. Many of us take our vision for granted and forget that proper eye care is crucial for maintaining good overall health. Eye hygiene encompasses practices aimed at preventing infections, managing symptoms of allergies, and reducing the risk of eye conditions that lead to impaired vision or even blindness.

With the rise in screen time and constant exposure to digital devices, it's more important than ever to pay attention to eye hygiene. This post will discuss 6 basic practices you should follow for optimal eye hygiene. These can make a big difference in preserving your eyesight and keeping your eyes healthy and happy!

What is Eye Hygiene?

Eye hygiene is about safeguarding vision and preventing infections or diseases. It includes regular cleaning, avoiding contact with harmful substances, and minimising screen exposure to reduce eye strain.

Proper eye care routines are essential for preserving eye health and protecting this delicate and vital organ against common irritants and pathogens.

Basic Eye Hygiene Practices

To maintain good eye hygiene, there are some basic practices that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.

1. Wash your hands frequently

Bacteria are everywhere. If you rub your eyes without washing your hands, these germs can easily be transferred to your eye area. It can lead to conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, or even more serious conditions if the infection spreads.

Wash your hands with warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds before touching your eyes or handling contact lenses.

2. Avoid rubbing your eyes

When you feel an itch or irritation in your eyes, it can be tempting to rub them to find relief. However, rubbing your eyes puts pressure on the eye's surface, leading to inflammation or worsening existing conditions.

Avoid this habit and gently cleanse the area with a clean, damp cloth if the need arises to touch your eyes.

3. Proper contact lens use

Contact lenses not adequately cleaned and disinfected serve as breeding grounds for harmful microorganisms. Using expired solutions, not replacing contact lens cases regularly, and sleeping in contacts not designed for overnight wear considerably increase the risk of infections like keratitis, which can potentially threaten one's eyesight if left untreated.

Follow all recommended guidelines for contact lens hygiene to safeguard your ocular health.

4. Remove eye makeup before bed

When your eyes are closed while sleeping, makeup particles can enter your eye. Leaving eye makeup on can clog the tiny hair follicles and oil glands around your eyelids, which can cause irritation or potentially lead to the development of styes, which are painful, red lumps on the eyelid.

To avoid such complications, it's essential to thoroughly remove all eye makeup with a gentle remover before going to bed, ensuring these pores remain clear and free from obstruction.

5. Protect your eyes from the sun

Exposure of the eyes to the sun can harm the cornea and lens, increasing the risk of developing cataracts - a condition characterised by the clouding of the eye's lens that can lead to blindness if not treated. It can also contribute to the development of macular degeneration, which affects the retina and can severely impair central vision.

Protect your eyes with polarised sunglasses that completely block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

6. Be screen smart

Staring at computer screens for prolonged periods decreases blink rate, which can lead to significant eye strain and dryness. The effort to maintain focus on digital displays can strain the eye muscles, causing discomfort, blurred vision, and headaches.

The computer screen should be positioned approximately arm's length away, with the top of the screen at or slightly below eye level. This allows you to look slightly downwards and helps to protect the eyes from strain. You can also implement the "20-20-20" rule: Every 20 minutes, redirect your gaze to an object at least 20 feet away and focus on it for a minimum of 20 seconds. This simple habit can help alleviate eye strain and promote eye health.

Blue light blocking glasses can also help prevent digital eye strain. Eye Concepts has a wide array of spectacles which offer blue light blocking capabilities.

How Edmondson Park's Climate Affects Your Eyes

The seasonal variations of Edmondson Park bring specific considerations for eye health. During the warmer months, higher levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation and increased pollen counts from local flora can lead to photokeratitis and allergic conjunctivitis, respectively. Conversely, the cooler seasons might see a rise in dry eye symptoms, exacerbated by indoor heating systems that reduce humidity levels in the air.

Pollution, too, plays a non-negligible role; particulate matter from traffic and industrial activities can irritate the eyes, leading to redness and itchiness. More severe cases lead to chronic issues such as dry eye syndrome. Given these factors, residents must adopt vision care strategies tailored to the local environment.

Community Health Initiatives in Edmondson Park

In Edmondson Park, a range of local health services, community programmes, and initiatives have been established to raise awareness and support eye health. There are local optometrists and healthcare professionals who conduct regular free eye check-ups and workshops on vision care maintenance.

Educational Opportunities for Eye Health

Local schools and educational programs can teach children about eye hygiene and the importance of eye care from a young age. By integrating eye health into their curriculum, schools provide education to children with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to maintain good eye care.

Eye Hygiene Products and Where to Find Them

When selecting the right eye hygiene products, consider factors like skin sensitivity, specific eye conditions (like dry eyes or blepharitis), and the type of product (eye drops, wipes, or sprays) that best suits your needs.

Local businesses and pharmacies have available options for eye hygiene products.

When To Visit An Optometrist in Edmondson Park

While incorporating good eye care practices into your daily routine is essential, it's crucial to visit an optometrist to ensure quality eye care. It can help detect and address any potential issues early on before they progress.

Eye Concepts in Edmondson Park is committed to delivering comprehensive eye exams, expert advice, and personalised eye care solutions. Our team of qualified optometrists and friendly staff provide quality services and products to help you maintain the best possible vision care.


Maintaining optimal eye health in Edmondson Park starts with eye hygiene. Remember to practice regular hand hygiene and proper contact lens care, remove eye makeup before sleep, and protect your eyes with quality glasses.

Adhering to these guidelines, Edmondson Park residents take proactive steps towards eye health, avoiding immediate discomfort and preserving vision for life.

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