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Corneal Ulcer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

If you suffer from red, painful eyes caused by a corneal ulcer, don't suffer in silence; get the help and treatment needed. Corneal ulcers are eye infection that affects the cornea, which can be an extremely uncomfortable experience if left untreated. This article will discuss what causes corneal ulcers, how to recognize their symptoms, and how they are treated so that anyone affected knows how to get better quickly.

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Eye Injury Prevention

Our eyes are incredibly delicate, and preventing injury helps us maintain good vision and avoid serious medical complications.

You can avoid serious eye injuries by awareness of eye safety. We hope this article will increase your awareness of the instances you need to protect your eyes and what actions you can take at that moment for eye injury prevention.

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Eye Concepts
Eye Injuries in Children: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention | Eye Concepts

An eye injury is an injury to the eye or its surrounding tissues. It can occur when something hits or scratches the eye or when something gets in the eye. Sports are a common cause of eye injuries in children. Other causes include playing with toys and household items, falls, and fights.

Being aware of common eye injuries in children is important because they can often be prevented. If you suspect that your child has injured their eye, it is critical to visit a doctor or an eye specialist as soon as possible to prevent long-term vision loss.

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Eye Concepts