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Macular Degeneration Test & Assessment | Eye Concepts

Eye Concepts specialises in macular degeneration assessment to check the back of your eyes & monitor any changes may occur in the retina and macular. Learn more.


Macular Degeneration Assessment

The most common reason for age-related poor eyesight is macular degeneration. As we grow older, this essential part of the eye's anatomy loses its function. The macula is an area at the back of the eye that plays a large role in accepting sharp images for the brain to process. As you get older, age-related macular degeneration leads to your central vision becoming poorer.
A macular degeneration assessment will allow you and your optometrist to create a vision care plan that maximises your eyesight for longer. Deciding on macular degeneration treatment as early as possible enhances your quality of life, reduces the risk of falls, and allows you to absorb the world around you.


The majority of people who have this condition will suffer from dry macular degeneration. While nobody knows precisely what causes dry macular degeneration, some experts believe that genetics, diet, and smoking play a role. With time, dry macular degeneration can progress to wet, but this is not the case for everyone.
In contrast, wet macular degeneration relates to diseases that affect your blood vessels. For example, it's a microvascular complication of diabetes. Similarly, poorly controlled hypertension can affect the vessels in this area, resulting in damage that affects the macular.
It is often the case that an optometrist will highlight a disease such as diabetes before another healthcare professional. As such, the absence of a condition doesn't mean it isn't already a risk factor. This means your macular degeneration test could highlight other pathologies too.
Whether you have dry or wet macular degeneration, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Your vision is less sharp

  • Your eyes don't adjust to the dark as well as they used to

  • Colours don't seem as clear as normal

  • Words look blurry when you are reading


Having a macular degeneration assessment when you reach your sixties helps you detect changes earlier. As a result, you open yourself to more treatment options. There's also evidence suggesting that having your eyes tested regularly is a preventative factor against the side effects and symptoms of macular degeneration.
The assessment will allow your optometrist to discuss macular degeneration causes that are unique to your circumstances. From dietary changes to quitting smoking, they will recommend lifestyle modifications that help you retain your eyesight for longer.
Finally, you will have the opportunity to acquire vision-enhancing aides, such as glasses and contact lenses. In the long term, this leads to better eye health.
To book an age related macular degeneration assessment, contact us today.